We have some amazing news: our website is now being hosted for FREE by the wonderful folks over at DreamHost! DreamHost is one of the leading hosting companies in the world, and has won several awards for their services. Even better, they’re carbon neutral… because even our website hosting is chosen to align with our principles.
Opportunities such as this allow us to increase effectiveness while minimizing expenses. Instead of being spent on our website, that money will go directly towards fulfilling our mission. It is our responsibility to our donors to maximize the impact of their charitable contributions, so we are extremely grateful to DreamHost for helping us cut costs.
As a relatively new 501(c)(3) public charity, we have very limited funds – so we do our best to keep informed, and to optimize our use of available resources. Our free hosting is just one of many offers that we have taken advantage of. Upcoming blog posts will cover some of the other resources, as well as instructions for any other nonprofits that also want to benefit.