We Need You
“from 2012 to 2016, an average of 137,000 American horses are trucked over our borders each year to slaughter“
~ASPCA Website
You can prevent U.S. horses from being slaughtered.
Please help us protect our horses from abuse and discourage over-breeding. In January 2017 the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act (H.R. 113) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. This bill would prevent the export of American horses for slaughter in other countries, and we need your help to get it passed!
Letters and phone calls have made huge differences in the past. Please reach out personally to your senators and representatives. Encourage them to support the SAFE Act (H.R. 113/S. 1706) – because horses have suffered long enough!
If you only have a few moments, we suggest using THIS FORM provided by the ASPCA.
Show your support by signing petitions to increase the impact of concerned animal welfare organizations.
The Humane Society has a wonderful page: You Can Help Fight Horse Slaughter with links to more information and great suggestions such as writing letters to your newspapers, volunteering, and more.
You can also read more here: American Wild Horse Campaign: Slaughter of 90,000 Wild Horses Could Proceed Despite 80% Objection From American Public